Alat Power Transmisi dan Kopling
FCL Couplings
FCL Flexible Couplings is widely used, ow
ing to its advantages: compact designing, easy
installation, convenient maintenance, small size
and light weight. As long as the relative
displacement between shafts is k
ept within the specified toleranc
e, B couplings will operate the
best function and have a longer wo
rking life. Thus it is great
ly demanded in medium and minor
power transmission systems driven by motors, su
ch as speed reducers, hoists, compressors,
conveyers, spinning and weav
ing machines and ball mills.
Permittable relative displacement:
Radial displacement:0.2~0.6mm
Angle displacement:0°30
FCL 125
FCL 250 - FCL 280 FCL 315 FCL 355 FCL 400 FCL 440 FCL 480 FCL 560 FCL 630668686868